
Web Hosting

K.S. Info. Tech Solutions is a premier web hosting company from India that provides Linux Web Hosting, Windows Web Hosting, Reseller web hosting and domain registration services at affordable price.

Loading Speed
Our super-fast network with latest and modern technology ensures accelerated response time and processing along with swift website page loading speed.

Hosting Reliability
Equipped with an advanced infrastructure and server architectures together with sufficient resources help create a robust platform that ensures business continuity.

24/7 Support
Our experienced team of technical support and sales experts are available round-the-clock to provide prompt and uninterrupted support for even the smallest of issues.

Network Security
Our Certified Tier III and Green Datacenters in India have the lowest latency with 4 different layers in our Software Defined Network along with top level network security.

Develop Your Website & Software Quickly


Web Hosting Service

A Web server is a high-configuration computer system that stores, processes, and serves website files and other media content (for example, HTML documents, images, CSS stylesheets, and JavaScript files) requested by the client (web browser).


Full develop Website

Modern web development also includes web applications. Web applications are software packages that run on a web server and are accessed through the internet. This is unlike a traditional application that runs on your computer, tablet, or phone.


Static Website

As the name says, Static websites are websites or web pages that have unchanging contents, where the website is programmed with HTML code and can be accessed by the end-users. This type of web pages and content of the website are the commonly chosen type over constantly changing web content, as it takes lesser maintenance efforts comparatively.

Developing And Hosting Services Provide's

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